Highly Cohesive Breast Implants from Sientra are approved by the FDA in the United States.

This implant is what surgeons refer to as the gummy bear” breast implant because it offers a higher cohesive strength silicone gel compared to the smooth round high cohesive silicone gel breast implants. The material in these implants bind together more tightly helping the implant to give it shape.   This style of implant is not new to Dr. Broadway’s office, as he has been offering Sientra-Silimed implants to his patients since 2002. Dr Broadway was one of a few plastic surgeons selected to participate in Sentra-Silimed’s form stable implant study. He had over 165 patients in the gel limb of the study.   He was one of the first surgeons in the country to office these implants for his patients.  Blog 7

The  gummy bear implant can have a tear shape.  This shape will provide a more natural slope and result for breast augmentation patients. The higher cohesiveness of the silicone gel offers less wrinkling, and less chance of external leaking for patients.  The gummy bear implants have a very natural feel and do not require a longer incision for placement.

Internationally Trained

Dr. Broadway studied in Sweden with Dr. Charles Randquist, a world renowned plastic surgeon who has implanted over 10,000 anatomically shaped breast implants. Dr. Broadway and Dr. Randquist both believe a breast augmentation result should look natural, even questionable, and recommend women stay with smaller sizes and the tear shaped style.

When you visit Dr. Broadway for your initial consultation we will help you to understand the difference between all of your implant options, and help to guide you toward the best implant style and size for your body.

We are all built anatomically different, so there is no way one style of implant will provide every patient the result they are looking for, and that’s why our experienced staff  will work very closely with you all the way up until surgery to ensure you select the best size and profile of breast implant for your body.

Contact us today to schedule your breast augmentation consultation.

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