Every industry has various technologies and techniques. These technologies and techniques evolve over time and new products and procedures emerge to help improve how things are done. This is especially true with the breast augmentation and implant market. In the next couple of years, some upcoming trends will be emerging and new products will be making their their way out of various product pipelines. This will prove to be beneficial to prospective customers around the world.
In a recent Mirror article titled The big new things in boob jobs: 6 cosmetic surgery trends you need to know about, author Lynne Hyland writes that “Breast surgery is changing all the time.” She goes on to highlight a few of the new developments to expect currently and in coming years. Below are some of the upcoming trends and innovations that are occurring with the breast augmentation and implant markets:
1. The wide-awake boob job
Usually, the biggest risk of any surgery is going under with general anesthesia. Now, it is possible to have breast augmentation procedure done without the aid of general anesthesia.
2. Ultra-light implants
In a future that is not so far away, implants will become lighter and provide the same types of results that exist now. This will be a major development once products that feature such technology become available.
3. The icing on the cake
The icing on the cake is where a small quantity of fat is harvested from the thighs and stomach. This fat is then grafted on to create a layer between the implant and the woman’s own breast tissue.
4. Fat graft boobs boost
Fat grafting alone, is a method that can increase breast size without the need of an implant. The amount of fat varies from person to person.
5. Anti-sag scaffolding
A new FDA approved implantable mesh from GalaFLEX will help to reinforce the area where implants are placed. This mesh will be absorbed by the human body.
6. Microlipo reduction
Microlipo is traditionally used for thighs and tummies, but it is now being used on breasts as well.