
Virtually every patient we see for a consultation about cosmetic surgery will have questions about their post-operative recovery. Typically, they want to know how long they should expect to have discomfort and when they can resume their daily routines. These are completely understandable questions, especially here in Denver with our active Colorado lifestyle. At Broadway Plastic Surgery, we understand the patient’s desire to return to their normal activities as quickly as possible and we do our best to assure a smooth recovery. Not only is it our goal to offer exceptional results, but to minimize downtime as well.

Here are the answers to some of the more common questions asked at Broadway Plastic Surgery:

  • Recovery times are variable. Recovery is dependent on many factors including the type of surgery performed, length of the procedure, anesthesia type and the unique and individual response to surgery.
  • The majority of patients are off all prescription pain medications within a few days.
  • Most patients experience a quick recovery and are able to return to normal everyday activities rather quickly, usually within the first week.
  • Patients can typically resume their exercising routine within 2 weeks.
  • The vast majority of patients report their discomfort level as manageable.

Please call our office to schedule a consultation to discuss any concerns that your might have regarding your procedure. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with a minimum of recovery time!

Call us today at 720-475-8419