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VASER Hi Definition Liposculpture


Vaser High Definition Liposuction Denver

VASER Hi Definition Liposculpture


Vaser High Definition Liposuction Denver
A fundamental goal of plastic surgery, especially liposuction, is to actually sculpt the body. VASER Hi-Definition liposuction departs from the simpler goal of reducing pockets of fat or obtaining a thinner, flatter stomach. This procedure allows our surgeons to obtain results that actually enhance the patient’s natural muscular and boney anatomy. VASER Hi-Definition liposculpture creates a highly-defined and sculpted, athletic appearance. The best candidates are fit men and women who seek greater visibility of their muscular detail.
The VASER Hi Definition Liposculpture procedure uses a small probe inserted into the fatty layer. The titanium probe resonates at an ultrasound frequency, “shaking” the fat cells loose from the surrounding tissue. The fat cells are now easier to remove, which allows our highly-trained surgeons to target specific fat layers to sculpt a new and defined physical appearance. The fat removal can now reveal underlying muscle groups, such as the rectus abdominis muscles, often with the goal of developing a well- defined “6-pack” look to the abdomen.

In addition to sculpting the abdomen, the VASER Hi-Definition liposculpture procedure may have the goal of creating a more chiseled look to the “love handles” or flanks, buttocks, lateral breast area and bra roll.

Vaser High Definition Liposuction Before Photos
Vaser High Definition Liposuction After Photos
VASER Hi Definition Liposculpture After Photos

VASER Hi Definition Liposculpture

Because VASER Hi Definition Liposculpture is designed to be a “sculpting” technique rather than a “debulking” technique, the ideal candidate is a patient that has good muscle tone without a lot of fat or loose skin. Most of the patients who opt to have the Hi-Definition surgery work out 4-6 times per week but fail to achieve the “washboard” look (which can only be seen with very little body fat, typically about 3%). VASER Hi-Definition Liposculpture can give you the desired athletic look by aggressively removing deep and superficial fat that may be obscuring the detail of the underlying muscle.

VASER Hi Definition Liposculpture

Because VASER Hi Definition Liposculpture is designed to be a “sculpting” technique rather than a “debulking” technique, the ideal candidate is a patient that has good muscle tone without a lot of fat or loose skin. Most of the patients who opt to have the Hi-Definition surgery work out 4-6 times per week but fail to achieve the “washboard” look (which can only be seen with very little body fat, typically about 3%). VASER Hi-Definition Liposculpture can give you the desired athletic look by aggressively removing deep and superficial fat that may be obscuring the detail of the underlying muscle.

Before and After

Amelia Vaser High Definition Liposuction Before and After
Chloe Vaser High Definition Liposuction Before and After
Trent Vaser High Definition Liposuction Before and After
Dave Vaser High Definition Liposuction Before and After
learn more about Vaser Hi Def
learn more about Vaser Hi Def Liposuction



Are you ready to enhance your look but have questions? To find out which procedures are best to help you meet your aesthetic goals, contact The Broadway Center for Plastic Surgery today and schedule a consultation with an experienced cosmetic surgeon. You can even speak with our Patient Advocate before your consultation. This discreet process allows you to ask any questions from the convenience and privacy of your own home. We look forward to meeting you and becoming your partner on your path to renewed beauty.

Actual Patient



Are you ready to enhance your look but have questions? To find out which procedures are best to help you meet your aesthetic goals, contact The Broadway Center for Plastic Surgery today and schedule a consultation with an experienced cosmetic surgeon. You can even speak with our Patient Advocate before your consultation. This discreet process allows you to ask any questions from the convenience and privacy of your own home. We look forward to meeting you and becoming your partner on your path to renewed beauty.

Actual Patient

Plastic Surgery Denver, CO

Serving Denver, Aurora, Boulder, Cherry Creek, Lone Tree, Colorado, and more

Contact Us

  • Broadway Plastic Surgery
  • 303-680-8989
  • LONE TREE, CO 80124

Contact Us

  • Broadway Plastic Surgery
  • 303-680-8989
  • LONE TREE, CO 80124


ABMS Maintenance of Certification
American Board of Facial Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery
American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery
American Board of Cosmetic Surgery
The American Board of Otolaryngology

Disclaimer: Our website contains general medical information. The medical information contained on the website is not advice and should not be treated as such. Patients results may vary depending on various factors that are unique to each individual.