“Nicole Was Very Patient and Kind”

I wanted to pass along my recent experience with Dr. David Broadway on October 22, 2012. I had my initial consultation with Dr. Broadway and Nicole on September 11, 2012. I found both of them to be extremely helpful and friendly and answered all of my questions and concerns. I was debating whether to have a lift alone or to accompany that with implants. I also had extra breast tissue under my right arm pit area I had been told by several other doctors could never be removed. Dr. Broadway was confident that he could remove it with no adverse effects other than a scar which he would do his best to hide, and did. The pre-op appointment went well also, and we set my surgery date.

In the month before my surgery I went back and forth debating whether to go with implants or not. Nicole was very patient and kind and didn’t push me one way or another. She even suggested I have a follow-up phone conversation with Dr. Broadway about my concerns since I live an hour away and couldn’t just “pop” in. Dr. Broadway called me and once again answered all of my questions. Nicole even gave me info to be able to talk with other women who had similar procedures to help ease my mind.

I didn’t decide until the day of my surgery not to go with implants and to just do the lift. Since I had already paid in full I requested a refund of the balance and had no problems getting that back either. Initially Dr. Broadway told me without implants I may not have the superior fullness I was looking for, but that I would see a significant improvement with the lift alone. To my surprise, I have everything I had hoped and looked for with just the lift. Even Dr. Broadway says the superior fullness is there and is beautiful. He was able to remove the extra tissue, and I couldn’t be happier! I’m approaching week two of recovery and am doing very well, already planning my next procedure to do some tummy lipo. Dr. Broadway is amazing and has changed the way I look at myself in the mirror now. I couldn’t be happier and am so happy I found him! I highly recommend him!