and LASER Hi Def

VASER Hi Def and LASER Hi Def

Cosmetic procedures are advancing before our eyes and highly trained Colorado plastic surgeons, like Dr. Broadway, are taking basic liposuction procedures to the extreme and obtaining results we never thought possible.

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VASER Hi Def Lipo can be considered the new lipo procedure for the size 2-4 patient. This most advanced form of lipo is a valuable procedure for patients looking to increase the visibility of underlying muscles, creating more muscular detail.

This type of liposuction creates a sculpted, athletic appearance by removing deep and superficial fat cells. The gender of the patient will often define how aggressive and sculpted the surgeon will be during the procedure. Men often request more defined six pack abs and more visible external oblique’s, while women often ask for softer definition with 4 pack abs on the front and more defined sacral iliac points on the lower back. The results are extreme and dramatic. This procedure is also perfect for enhancing the appearance of male pectoral muscles.

VASER Hi Def Lipo

Ideal candidates for VASER Hi Def lipo are those who already have good muscle tone, and work out several times a week. Because this procedure is a sculpting technique, the patients should have a lower percentage of body fat or loose skin. By aggressively removing deep and superficial fat, the patient will be able to achieve the “washboard” effect that has eluded them no matter how well their diet is and how much they work out.

If you are interested in learning more about how VASER Hi Def lipo can enhance your appearance, please contact Dr. Broadway. Dr. Broadway is one of only two cosmetic surgeons in Colorado performing VASER Hi Def Lipo, and is also an international and national instructor teaching other surgeons this advanced cosmetic procedure.

Dr. Broadway and the ABS institute surgeons will now be offering LASER Hi Def utilizing SmartLipo technology to offer the same sculpted results. This November, Dr. Broadway and Dr. Millard will be hosting a smeinar teaching surgeons from around the world how to achieve the most optimal SmartLipo, laser lipo results.

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