Liposculpture in Colorado

VASER Hi Def Liposculpture in Colorado is intensifying and becoming one of the most sought after body sculpting techniques. But do not trust your body to just any plastic surgeon. This cutting edge technology is an advanced form of lipo that combines realization of the human anatomy and art. VASER Hi Def lipo is surgeon dependent on good results are based on the experience and training of the chosen surgeon.
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Not only is Dr. David Broadway of Denver, Colorado one of two surgeons in the state that performs VASER Hi Def lipo, but he is an international teacher instructing other surgeons the advanced techniques of this innovative body sculpting procedure that precisely removes both superficial and deep fat around muscle groups in order to enhance the visibility of the underlying musculature.

Dr. Broadway recently returned from Bogota, Colombia where he was invited to lecture and instruct surgeons from around the world about the advanced techniques and new technology utilized during a VASER Hi Def procedure. Dr. Broadway performed VASER Hi Def lipo on 2 patients in Colombia while instructing surgeons from the United States, Canada, and Saudi Arabia.
VASER Hi Def lipo is not only limited to the abdominal muscles but can be used to help define other areas of the body such as the back, flanks, legs & arms to give patients a more defined muscular appearance. To learn more about this procedure please join us for an upcoming seminar hosted by Dr. Broadway and Dr. John Millard @ bod:evolve. Visit the website for available seminar dates or call to schedule a consultation with Dr. Broadway.