Breast Augmentation

Preparing for Surgery

Saline Versus High Cohesive Silicone Gel breast implants

Breast Augmentation is one of my favorite procedures to perform. I perform over 200 of breast augmentation surgeries every year and I have dedicated this Denver, Colorado breast augmentation site solely to the results of my breast augmentation patients.

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I have been implanting both saline implants and high cohesive silicone gel breast implants for many years now. I was chosen to implant Sientra high cohesive silicone gel breast implants in 2002, and in this study I now have more than 300 patients. I am one of the most experienced surgeons in Colorado with the high cohesive silicone gel breast implant because of my participation with this study. I also implant Mentor high cohesive silicone gel breast implants which received FDA approval over a year ago.

The advantages to using high cohesive silicone gel breast implants:
1. They tend to look more natural
2. They are softer and feel more natural
3. They have a lower risk for rippling and wrinkling

High Cohesive Silicone Gel breast implants

High cohesive silicone gel breast implants are available in 3 different profiles giving women the option for more projection or a more natural slope depending on their desired result. When a patient has little breast tissue or is very thin, the high cohesive silicone gel implant is less visible and therefore looks more natural.

Saline breast implants remain yet another option for my Denver, Colorado breast augmentation surgery patients. With saline breast implants I usually only offer high profile as they tend to have less rippling than the lower profile saline implants. Saline implants can still be an excellent choice for many of my patients.

I perform breast augmentation in Denver, Colorado typically using the inframammary approach which is an incision beneath the breast in the fold. Advantages to the inframammary fold incision are:
1. Direct access to implant pocket
2. Better control of the breast fold
3. Better control of the implant position
4. Less discomfort for the patient
5. Scar is well hidden beneath the breast in the fold

At your breast implants consultation we will have the opportunity to answer your questions and discuss the pros and cons of saline and gel breast implants. You will also have the opportunity to try on breast implants with one of my plastic surgery patient coordinators. This will help you determine the type and size of implant you desire. I look forward to meeting you to discuss your breast augmentation surgery.

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