Laser Lipo and VASER liposculpture

in Denver

Laser Lipo and VASER liposculpture in Denver

Dr. Broadway recently returned from a week long trip expanding his knowledge on the most advanced forms of Laser Lipo, and then he himself lecturing to other surgeons on the most advanced techniques using VASER Technology.

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Dr. Broadway elected to visit the office of one of his colleagues, Dr. Roger Hogue in Minnesota, to collaborate and expand on the techniques of laser lipo. Dr. Broadway has always offered his Colorado Lipo patients SmartLipo and the most cutting edge machines such as the MPX, and soon the TriPlex, keeping the physicians at bod:evolve leaders in innovative technology.

Dr. Broadway also traveled to Florida where he was invited by Sound Surgical Technology to lecture and discuss the most advanced techniques in body sculpting that can be used with VASER technology. VASER Hi Def is performed using the VASER Lipo System to selectively sculpt and remove fat in the desired treatment area. This ultrasound system is so gentle on the fat that is removed, that it can be easily transferred back into more desired areas such as the breasts, male pec, buttocks, face and in some cases scars caused by traumatic injury.


Dr. Broadway and the surgeons at bod:evolve continue to be the leaders in innovative technology and offer the most cutting edge procedures. Dr. Khoury is the newest surgeon to join our practice and has performed over 5000 facial cosmetic surgeries.

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