Breast Implants

first steps

Breast Implants First Steps

Women in Denver, Colorado choose to have breast augmentation surgery for many different reasons. Some women have little breast tissue and are a bit self-conscious about not looking as feminine as they would like.

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Many of my other patients opt to have surgery after having children and breast feeding. Often times both activities can cause loss of breast volume, or a woman’s breasts may become droopy or saggy. All of these situations can be very distressing to a women’s self image, but breast augmentation can help restore and reshape a woman’s figure. The breast implants can give women soft, natural curves and contours.

Once you have made the decision to move forward with the surgery, the first step is to research board certified plastic surgeons. Visit all the pages of their websites including the breast implants testimonial page, the patient before and after breast implants photo gallery, and the doctor’s biography which should include their education and training.

breast implants consultation

Your next step is to schedule a consultation. Not only do you need to find a board certified plastic surgeon with experience and good results, but you must feel comfortable with them and their staff because you will be working closely with everyone before, during and after the breast implants surgery.

After we have had a discussion about your goals and desires I will escort you to an exam room where one of my staff members will join us to record measurements I take off your breasts. These measurements help me to determine size and profile of breast implants that will best fit your body giving you a beautiful, natural result. We will also discuss incision options available and saline breast implants vs. high cohesive silicone gel breast implants.

Next, you will have a chance to try on breast implants with one of my patient coordinators, view more before and after photos of my breast augmentation patients and receive a formal quote. If you decide you are ready we can book your surgery that day!

The decision to have breast implants is a very personal one, and it is also an important medical decision. To have a detailed discussion, schedule a breast implants consultation with Dr. Broadway at Broadway Plastic Surgery today.

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