Ear Pinning Questions

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Ear Pinning Questions

denver and lone tree, colorado

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Plastic Surgeon Dr. David Broadway has received extensive, specialized training and certifications that set him apart from other cosmetic surgeons.

Broadway Plastic Surgery Otoplasty FAQs

These are questions about our process and about the procedure in general.

Broadway Plastic Surgery Breast Augmentation FAQs

These are questions about our process and about the procedure in general.

What is ear pinning (otoplasty)?

Otoplasty is also known as ear pinning or cosmetic ear surgery. It is a procedure that helps to address certain insecurities one might have about their ears. The most common purpose of this surgery is for ears that stick out too much from one’s head, but it can also address other imperfections such as shape.

Is Otoplasty Covered by Insurance?

In most cases, Otoplasty is purely cosmetic and, therefore, not covered by insurance. However, as with most surgeries, if there is a medical reason for getting it done, you could potentially have a percentage of the procedure covered. Check with your insurance company for accurate details.

How do I prepare for Otoplasty surgery?

The Broadway Plastic Surgery staff will give you instructions to prepare for surgery, including guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, and taking or avoiding certain vitamins and medications. While making preparations, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery and to help you out for a few days, if needed.

How long does it take to see results?

The difference will be immediately noticeable. However, the final results may not be visible for several weeks once the swelling goes down. Talk to your plastic surgeon about what to expect for your specific case.

What does recovery look like?

Recovery from Otoplasty is pretty mild. Most patients need about a week. You can plan to return to work and most of your regular daily activities within 5-7 days, but you should hold off on exercise for one to two months.

The potential effects of the surgery during the recovery period are: throbbing, aching, swelling, numbness, and redness, all of which will go away after a week and can be managed during that time with medication if needed.

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Are you ready to enhance your look but have questions? To find out which procedures are best to help you meet your aesthetic goals, contact The Broadway Center for Plastic Surgery today and schedule a consultation with an experienced cosmetic surgeon. You can even speak with our Patient Advocate before your consultation. This discreet process allows you to ask any questions from the convenience and privacy of your own home. We look forward to meeting you and becoming your partner on your path to renewed beauty.

Actual Patient



Are you ready to enhance your look but have questions? To find out which procedures are best to help you meet your aesthetic goals, contact The Broadway Center for Plastic Surgery today and schedule a consultation with an experienced cosmetic surgeon. You can even speak with our Patient Advocate before your consultation. This discreet process allows you to ask any questions from the convenience and privacy of your own home. We look forward to meeting you and becoming your partner on your path to renewed beauty.

Actual Patient

Plastic Surgery Denver, CO

Contact Us

  • Broadway Plastic Surgery
  • 303-680-8989
  • LONE TREE, CO 80124

Contact Us

  • Broadway Plastic Surgery
  • 303-680-8989
  • LONE TREE, CO 80124


ABMS Maintenance of Certification
American Board of Facial Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery
American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery
American Board of Cosmetic Surgery
The American Board of Otolaryngology

Disclaimer: Our website contains general medical information. The medical information contained on the website is not advice and should not be treated as such. Patients results may vary depending on various factors that are unique to each individual.

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