Fat Transfer Surgeries in Denver
Cherry Creek North and Lone Tree Colorado

The fat transfer procedure is the latest craze at Broadway Center for Plastic Surgery, and our Colorado fat transfer patients are seeing dramatic results. From the Colombian Butt Lift to adding volume to female breasts in the most natural form, our patients are excited and asking questions about the most advanced forms of body sculpting.
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Triple Board certified surgeon Dr. David Broadway offers his Colorado plastic surgery patients the most cutting edge, advanced techniques and technologies including VASER Hi Def lipo, Colombian Butt Lift, SmartLipo MPX, and now one of the most inquired procedures, the fat transfer to the female breasts.
Recently Dr. Broadway has been featured on Extra, the Doctors Show and Everyday with Natalie Tisdale and Libby Weaver promoting the most advanced body sculpting procedures offered at our bod:evolve facility. Dr. Broadway has written clinical papers for VASER discussing skin retraction and recently hosted a webinar for surgeons from across the world on the proper technique of VASER technology and introduced VASER Hi Def.

r. Broadway will be traveling to Phoenix, AZ in November and once again will be lecturing and teaching surgeons on the topics of fat transfer to the breasts, fat transfer to the face combined with a facelift, fat transfer to the buttocks (also referred to as Colombian Butt Lift or Brazilian Butt Lift) and VASER Hi Def lipo of the abdomen, flanks and arms. Dr. Broadway is a speaker for VASER, and part owner of ABS institute and is one of the best and most experienced plastic surgeons in Colorado to offer this technology combined with the most advanced techniques.
If you are researching plastic surgeons for liposuction in the Denver, Lone Tree, Cherry Creek North, Wyoming, Colorado Springs, or Fort Collins area, look no more. You have found one of the best plastic surgeons in the state of Colorado who offers some of the best results utilizing the newest laser and ultra sound lipo technology.