Breast Reduction Questions
denver and lone tree, colorado

Plastic Surgeon Dr. David Broadway has received extensive, specialized training and certifications that set him apart from other cosmetic surgeons.
Broadway Plastic Surgery Breast Reduction FAQs
These are questions about our process and about the procedure in general.
What is breast reduction surgery?
A breast reduction procedure is an elective (though sometimes necessary) surgery to decrease the size of a person’s breasts. During this procedure, a doctor removes breast tissue, fat and skin. It is intended to help individuals who have pain or other health problems caused by oversized breasts.
Who is a good candidate for a breast reduction?
You do not need to have large breasts in order to be a good candidate for a breast reduction. Anyone whose breasts are too large for their frame may be a good candidate. Consult with a certified plastic surgeon to see if this surgery might be right for you.
Why should I consider breast reduction surgery?
If you have any of the following issues or concerns, you may want to discuss the possibility of breast reduction surgery with a qualified surgeon:
- Back, neck or shoulder pain,
- Shoulder grooves, or
- Breast discomfort while exercising.
You may also consider a breast reduction if you would simply like to have smaller breasts that are more proportionate to your body.
What are some of the benefits of a breast reduction?
There are many benefits you may gain from a breast reduction, including:
- A more youthful look caused by full, lifted breasts,
- Better fitting bras, swimsuits and clothing,
- Increased comfort and decreased pain,
- A more attractive figure,
- Boosted confidence,
- A more active lifestyle,
- And more!
Are there any risks involved with breast reduction surgery?
There are risks with any surgery, no matter how major or minor. This is no different for a breast reduction. Of course, these risks are less likely when you use a trained and certified surgeon.
Occasionally, an individual may experience breasts that are slightly uneven in size after a breast reduction. They may also experience surgical scars that remain dark and raised even after they have completely healed.
Very rarely, a woman may experience a loss of breast tissue due to inadequate blood flow after the surgery. This is more common in women who smoke.
Is there more than one type of breast reduction procedures?
Yes, there are multiple different techniques depending on the shape and the size of your current breasts. During your consultation, you should be able to ask your surgeon for details on the technique they would likely use for your potential surgery.
Can I use insurance to cover breast reduction surgery?
Unlike most other breast surgeries, breast reduction surgery may qualify for insurance coverage if the surgery is to help relieve any medical problems, including back, neck or shoulder pain. Check with your insurance company to find out what type of coverage you have and what type of referral you would need in order to get the charges approved.
How long is recovery from breast reduction surgery?
Recovery from surgery differs from person to person. The average timeline we see for full recovery from a breast reduction is two to six weeks. You can usually return to normal life after 2 weeks, but there are certain restrictions at that point (see questions below).
What restrictions should I plan for after surgery?
We recommend taking 1.5-2 weeks off of work to recover entirely, although some patients return to work a week after surgery. It all depends on your physical comfort level.
Here are some more specific restrictions you should be aware of. You should:
- Not drive for at least one week.
- Not exercise for at least 3-4 weeks. This includes certain everyday movements like bending over and lifting your arms over your head. You can walk for exercise but should not engage in anything more vigorous.
- Be prepared to wear a bra with no underwire all day and night for approximately 6 weeks post-surgery. You can take the bra off to shower and to wash it but should otherwise keep it on 24/7.
- Avoid underwire bras for about 3 months after surgery.
- Plan to sleep on your back as much as possible. You will definitely not want to sleep on your stomach. Back sleeping is the most conducive to healing from your surgery.
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Are you ready to enhance your look but have questions? To find out which procedures are best to help you meet your aesthetic goals, contact The Broadway Center for Plastic Surgery today and schedule a consultation with an experienced cosmetic surgeon. You can even speak with our Patient Advocate before your consultation. This discreet process allows you to ask any questions from the convenience and privacy of your own home. We look forward to meeting you and becoming your partner on your path to renewed beauty.
Actual Patient
Are you ready to enhance your look but have questions? To find out which procedures are best to help you meet your aesthetic goals, contact The Broadway Center for Plastic Surgery today and schedule a consultation with an experienced cosmetic surgeon. You can even speak with our Patient Advocate before your consultation. This discreet process allows you to ask any questions from the convenience and privacy of your own home. We look forward to meeting you and becoming your partner on your path to renewed beauty.
Actual Patient

Contact Us
- Broadway Plastic Surgery
- 303-680-8989
- LONE TREE, CO 80124
Contact Us
- Broadway Plastic Surgery
- 303-680-8989
- LONE TREE, CO 80124
Disclaimer: Our website contains general medical information. The medical information contained on the website is not advice and should not be treated as such. Patients results may vary depending on various factors that are unique to each individual.